sent email to salesforce record

Sales Tech Tips: Using Salesforce’s Email Logging

How to Leverage Auto BCC to Your Salesforce Account

Did you know that you can forward sent email to Salesforce to add conversations to your Salesforce Leads and Contacts? If your organization has not enabled email sync functionality in Salesforce at a global level, this is an amazing way to ensure all conversations are logged using native email apps.

BCC to Salesforce is a Salesforce CRM feature that allows sales reps to track emails sent to prospects and customers. With this setup, you can log email activity under the Salesforce record (leads and contacts) associated with the email address by blind carbon copying a designated email address provided to your Salesforce account. Reps can see in a contact/lead history and how they’ve interacted with them in the past, and the email trail of communications.

How to Configure:

  1. Connect to Salesforce.
  2. Locate your username in the upper right corner and choose My Settings from the dropdown menu.
  3. Select My Email to Salesforce under Email in My Settings.
  4. Choose which records, Leads and/or Contacts, you want to associate emails with. I like to filter all Gmail and my company’s domain to limit logging to external addresses. Click Save.
  5. Make a note of the email address that appears for your Email to Salesforce address.
  6. For Gmail, add a Filter for anything sent FROM your address to be forwarded to the copied Salesforce System address (Mail to Salesforce). You can create a similar Rule in Outlook.
Setup BCC to Salesforce Lead and Contact Records

Note that Auto BCC to Salesforce only works for Leads and Contacts in Salesforce, not Opportunities.

This is awesome for the Sales Road Warrior, or just when you go on vacation or are out of the office. It’s better than searching through sent to find that response or communication. Hope this helps.

email logging to salesforce, using BCC in gmail for salesforce, sales tech tips, salesforce tips, sales tips, auto BCC to salesforce

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