Lifestyle: Eyes and Sales Productivity
Ignoring your eye health can slam productivity (-20%)
I thought I’d take a break from the usual grind of my posts, and write about something that’s super important: your eyes. I had a coworker go in for surgery this week, she had essentially shot her vision in one eye from excess strain and abuse over the years of staring at a small screen. Working from home has been amazing for most people, but without the distractions from the office, many of us stare at the glowing flatness for hours on end with no interruption.
In our modern business we cannot get away from the “screen”. I looked at my latest screen report, and holy sh*t batman, we’re talking 6 hours on average. I know, I know, many of you are saying, 6 hours is mere child’s play. Others are thinking, man, that bathroom time really adds up ;). But, our “screens” have led to increases in productivity, connectedness, and efficiency, even with that OF subscription bill. However, just like everything else, doing too much of anything can be have a negative impact. Eye difficulties, vision abnormalities, and even a decrease in productivity can be brought on by spending an excessive amount of time staring into Gorilla glass.
Beyond the studies on blue light damaging your vision over the long haul, there is also direct connection between vision correction and increased productivity among device users, according to a study that was conducted by the School of Optometry at the University of Alabama in Birmingham. In addition, the research showed that even very modest eye impairments, if left untreated, have a negative impact on a worker’s performance by as much as 20%. This discomfort is just the beginning.
If you use connected devices on a daily basis and for extended periods of time at a stretch, you don’t have to choose between your eyesight or your productivity if you want to maximize either one of those factors. The only thing you need to do is develop good eye care practices when you’re working on the devices, and then you’ll be able to do everything on your to-do list without endangering your eyesight. The following are some suggestions that will assist you in doing just that.
- Get your eyes checked on a regular basis.
Almost all companies today have a vision plan that’s free of charge for all employees. In addition if you have an FSA account, you can also use it to pay for glasses. I used mine last year to buy a new set of prescription sporting glasses for my shooting hobbies. Make sure to visit your eye doctor on a consistent basis so that you can keep an eye on how well your eyes are doing. Your eye doctor will not only be able to identify any issues with your vision, but they will also be able to make appropriate advice for how you can take care of your eyes based on the activities and lifestyle choices you make. - Ensure that you are wearing the appropriate eyewear.
When you are working on the computer or device, make sure to use protective eyewear if your doctor has advised you to do so. I would even recommend a pair of glasses for all sales people designed just for heavy screen work. There are eyeglasses designed specifically for screen use that can give comfort and lessen strain on the eyes caused by spending extended periods of time in front of a display. If you normally wear contact lenses, you might want to think about switching to glasses when you’re working on the computer. When used for an extended period of time, contact lenses run the risk of becoming dry, which can lead to discomfort.
- Blink often.
When a person is so focused on their work that they blink less frequently, it can be bad for their eyes, especially if they are working on a computer screen. Blinking less frequently can be especially dangerous when working on a computer, and lead to excess strain and blurred vision. Dry eyes are a potential side effect of not blinking enough. In addition to this, the atmosphere in the majority of workplaces is dry, which makes it easy for tears to evaporate. Make an appointment with your primary eye care provider to discuss the possibility of utilizing artificial tears. You’ll thank me in the long run (these drops of made a huge impact during long days at the computer). - Make sure you follow the 20-20-20 rule.
The 20-20-20 rule is a straightforward physical activity that may be carried out without cutting into the time given for work. It helps to ease the pressure that digital devices can put on the eyes and relaxes them. The rule of 20-20-20 operates in this manner. Every twenty minutes, take a break from staring at the screen and look away from it for at least twenty seconds while directing your sight and concentrating on something that is at least twenty feet away.
- Keep the lights on while you work.
Extremely bright lights or illumination that is too harsh might irritate the eyes and create strain. Make sure that the light coming from the screen is not the only source of illumination when you are working on the computer. You can decrease the strain on your eyes caused by the computer screen by positioning a tiny lamp to the side of the monitor or by installing a gentle light above the workspace. - Reduce glare.
Glare can be caused by a number of factors, including walls, surfaces, and reflections on your computer screen; these factors can all add to eye strain. Make sure your office has proper lighting, and no direct light on the screen. If you want to reduce the amount of light that is reflected on your eyeglasses, you might think about getting anti-glare screens for your monitors or wearing lenses that have an anti-reflective coating on them. - Adjust display settings.
Ditch that monitor that you’ve had for 10 years, and buy a new one that has a screen mode to help with eyestrain. It is recommended that the brightness of your computer screen be adjusted so that it is on par with the lighting in the room in which you are working. It’s possible that your display is too bright if it looks like a primary source of light while you use it. In the meanwhile, if the display is lacking in brightness, it may be set too low.
If you’re using a dual monitor set up, make sure the smaller screen on your laptop has an adjusted font size or window setting. The font size on your computer shouldn’t be too small to the point that you have to squint or shift your eyes closer in order to read them. This is because reading small fonts can cause eyestrain and headaches. In addition to this, make sure that the text is black and that the background is white because this creates the optimal contrast that your eyes can deal with.
Our devices and screens help us sell and succeed, but they can also be your worst enemy. Use the steps to help protect your eyes and keep your productivity at top levels.
sales & eye health, taking care of your eyes in computer work