Tips for Great Site Content

Writing Kick A** Content: 5 SEO Content Writing Tips

How to write SEO content for results

I have a technique for SEO content writing and a set process I like to use. For me, it helps the creative juices flow, but also forces me to have a content generation process that is repeatable and provides a successful path to repeatable, quality, consumable content. Here is a quick breakdown of my five key steps.

Examine and revisit your SEO keywords and phrases.

Before writing any content piece, I typically review my status in the world of Google. How are my rankings for the proposed content topics, and where can i incrementally improve or create new traffic? I leverage Google Search console too get a quick ranking overview for my chosen topic. Second, I use Google Ads Keyword Tool to examine my main content topic to see if there are any “near topic” phrases that I can use in the content to bolster ranking or traffic.

Write content with humans and machines in mind.

One seo writing technique I’ve used over time is to try and think like a machine, while writing like a human: the content Terminator? Ah, bad moniker. So what does that mean? Making sure you have structure and performance behind the scenes. The bits people don’t see: image names, image sizes, ALT tags, heading, page slugs, etc. All those HTML page structure pieces that the crawlers looks for and evaluate. If all this is gibberish to you, have no fear, there are free plugins, like Yoast, that make it easy to insure your content is good for both type of content consumers

SEO content writing guide
SEO Content for Humans and Machines

Breakdown the post/page into logical SEO & content sections with headings.

This helps with human content digestion, and lets you highlight come search terms for the bots. This is a balance, as sectional “over-breakdown” of content is off putting for those that just like to read your content.

Create SEO content links internally and externally.

Creating links with helpful titles helps drive traffic to those links for humans. If they like your content, they will read more of the content you produce. Why not make it easy to read more? Putting them in the body of the content is important, but you can automate this process by using a related post module or plugin, or a link display technology. External links also provide street “cred” to any post, and can help overall site credibility.

Check your work.

There are so many free tools to help with a final SEO check of your content before your release it to the public. If you use WordPress, Yoast is a great free plugin that will help not only with content analysis, but also structural analysis for crawling and SEO. For an external analysis, this article has some great SEO performance tools as well as content checkers: SEO Performance and Testing Tools.

Want to learn more? See our Zero Budget Marketing course on Udemy for more tips and tricks for great content.

seo content writing, how to write great content, blog posts for seo, writing content for google

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