website page performance testing

Testing Web Site Speed: 4 Free Tools

The Role of Page Speed in SEO: Speed is Life in SEO

Let’s face it, page speed in SEO is now crucial for high content rankings, and laggards will lose out on clicks and revenue for slow page load times. Whether you are running a Shopify store, or a content based site, paying attention to page load times and components that are slowing down your site, speed is life. Here are 4 free page/site speed testing tools for you to have in your tool quiver:

Chrome Developer Tools (Lighthouse) – Google has multiple toolsets to test the speed and response of your site and individual pages. Lighthouse is a great multipurpose tool that tests and identifies page speed and other loading issues. It also identifies structural issues, SEO scoring and more.

Google page speed testing tools
Google Page Speed Testing Tools

GTMetrix – GTMetrix offers a free account that provides a great way to test and evaluate pages for speed and content issues. It also has links for common problems and how to resolve them.

GtMetrix Page Performance and Speed for SEO

Google Search Console – Google’s search console gives you an insight into the factors that determine page ranking and search. The Core Web Vitals view shows how your URLs perform in page content load, interactivity and visual stability.

Tuning page experience

Cloudflare – Cloudflare is a content distribution and image caching service that we use to speed up our response times. You can get a free account and do some basics, and they have a great speed checker that provides page load times and possible improvements.

Cloudflare Speed Testing

Just a few of the page speed and site speed testing tools you can use to tune your e-commerce or blog site to maximize SEO.

tool to test page speed, performance testing tools, how to make a site faster

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